Wednesday, November 3, 2010

ER visit Nov 2010

Fun times in the local ER. side note, McDreamy and McSteamy were not there, c'est dommage!

I got one of 'those' phone calls yesterday!

No, not a telemarketer or get out and vote call, but a call from Dad. "we have an emergency here..."

Oi vei. Apparently, Mom reacted and short circuited regarding the new home health aid we have. She was verbally abusive to the aid, throwing things and chasing her. At some point, Mom must have stumbled and fell against the double pane sliding glass door. The photos do the talking, but amazingly, she had just a few small cuts or abrasions on the back of her head.

No concussion, no stitches needed. What can I say, I guess we are a family of hard heads!

I talked to her on phone before Dad took her to the ER, and she actually sounded more lucid than has been the norm.

Who takes photos and videos of their Mom in the ER? Me, one of the few, the proud, the alzheimer paparazzi! I know, not funny, but I might as well chronicle these events and the progression of the disease.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Notice Mom, in background, exhibiting varying degrees of attentiveness to Mary’s antics

P1020414 P1020401  P1020405 P1020404


Sunday, February 7, 2010

Photos taken at Aunt Marie's

Aunt Marie goes all out with the Christmas decorating, even if she is still putting on the finishing touchs in early January.

We had fun there, but I was on edge about Mary and the possibility that she would break an ornament or spill something on the sofa. Cream colored Ligne Rosset suede furniture and 4 year olds are a dangerous mix. Also, sometimes Mary and my Mom, both stubborn, have little fights and tantrums! It's actually sometimes amusing when the sundown effect meets the tantrum and they both dig their heels in : 0

Couple of photos when everyone is all happy happy : )

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Clinical trial attempt

These photos were taken Jan. 19, 2010, on the day of the first visit to the clinical trial center.
A minimalist jewelry day, only 3 necklaces today. Usually there are 5 or 6, plus at least 3 serious bracelets. The irony is that Mom was always a classic minimalist jewelry wise. Just one serious, statement making piece of jewelry at a time.

Mom, after being costumed by her 4 year old granddaughter!

The neurologist mentioned a phase III trial to my Dad. At first, Dad said, no way, guinea pig concept etc.
Then, after I read about it, we decided to meet with the trial center and investigate Bapineuzimab. So where it stands now, after 3 visits to the clin trial ctr, is that Mom is enrolled in the trial, as a non carrier of some gene that is present in alz. patients. However, an MRI is required as part of the study protocol, and she could not get through that test without sedation.

I knew this would be a problem, and was laughing when the dr. at the center said he talked to Mom about just relaxing and taking a nap during the scan. Riiiight, on several levels, first, the noise level of the MRI equipment is impossibly loud, second, did he really expect her to remember what he told her. We are dealing with a 30 second reset as far as remembering info, and you would think, after he admin'd the MMSE that he would know this.

So, he is finding out if the trial sponsor would allow some sedation during the scan. I think probably not, so that ends that.